CHART is designed to assist charter schools in monitoring their progress with their Recruitment and Retention Plans which includes deliberate, specific strategies the school will use to attract, to enroll, and to retain a student population that is demographically comparable to similar grades in schools from which the charter school enrolls students. It is a pair of Excel workbooks that provide multi-school, multi-year demographic comparison data in the following categories:
CHART — Enrollment
Enrollment percentages by selected populations and race.
CHART — Indicators
Attrition percentages by grade level and selected populations/race.
Student indicator statistics, including suspensions by selected population/race.
The charter schools are graphed against comparable schools in its region, the median and first quartile of the comparison schools, and the state average. For enrollment demographic indicators, where possible, a statistically-derived "Comparison Index" is also graphed to provide a comparison figure that account for the charter school's size and fluctuations in student populations that yield natural variation in school-level enrollment figures, along with a "Gap Narrowing Target", which provides reference point for progress over time.