This dataset contains Advanced Placement (AP) score data for all Massachusetts public and charter schools and districts since 2007. It shows the number of students who received each possible score (1-5) on AP exams, as well as the percent of students scoring 1-2 or 3-5 on those exams, disaggregated by student group.
Economically Disadvantaged was used 2015-2021. Low Income was used prior to 2015, and has been used again since 2022. Please see the
DESE Researcher's Guide for more information.
List of AP Subjects
- 2-D Art and Design
- 3-D Art and Design
- Drawing
- Music Theory
- Studio Art: 2-D Design
- Studio Art: 3-D Design
- Studio Art: Drawing
English Language Arts
- English Lang/Comp
- English Lit/Comp
Foreign Languages
- Chinese Lang
- French Lang
- French Lit
- German Lang
- Italian Lang
- Japanese Lang
- Latin: Lit
- Latin: Vergil
- Spanish Lang
- Spanish Lit
History and Social Science
- Art History
- Economics: Macro
- Economics: Micro
- Govt & Pol: Comp
- Govt & Pol: U.S.
- Govt RAD: Comp
- Govt RAD: U.S.
- History: European
- History: U.S.
- History: World
- Human Geography
- Psychology
- World History: Modern
Math and Computer Science
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
- Computer Sci A
- Computer Sci AB
- Computer Sci Principles
- Statistics
Science and Technology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Environmental Sci
- Physics 1
- Physics 2
- Physics B
- Physics C: E
- Physics C: E&M
- Physics C: Mech
- Capstone Research
- Capstone Seminar