Better access to information leads to better decisions

The Education-to-Career Research and Data Hub can help you find the information you need to make smart decisions about childcare, education, and careers in Massachusetts. Use these tools to chart the right educational path for you. 
You won’t find information here about an individual student’s performance – that’s confidential. For individual grades or test scores, please contact the school or campus where the student is enrolled. 

Find a school or program

Use these tools to find early education and childcare programs, K-12 schools, and colleges and universities with the locations and programs you need.
Licensed Child Care Search (Early Education)
Get a list of childcare programs nearby or along your route. Review provider information such as hours and rates, capacity, license and accreditation information, inspection and monitoring reports, languages spoken, meals provided, and more.
You also can download a list of licensed and funded programs, updated quarterly.
A toddler sits with an adult reading a picture book.
Enter your address, desired distance, and grade levels for a map and list of school options, including:  
College Navigator and College Scorecard (Higher Education)
Try these U.S. Department of Education tools for a comprehensive search of colleges and universities that includes public, private, in- and out-of-state options.

Measure school and college performance

Take a closer look at your school’s enrollment, educational opportunities, assessments, staffing, and finances.
Scroll through easy-to-read charts and frequently asked questions and answers about students and teachers, academic opportunity, MCAS scores, and graduation rates.  
Dive into detailed data on student enrollment and achievement, test scores, teacher experience and evaluation, school and district spending, and more. Choose the “Trends—DART” tab on the right to compare similar schools and follow trends over five years. 
MCAS Data Trends
Our new interactive data explorer makes it easy to see trends in MCAS results since 2017. Use the filters to select a school or district, grade, and subject, and among student group categories of race/ethnicity, gender, English learner, students with disabilities, low-income status, and more. Do trend lines vary across gender and racial/ethnic groups? What achievement gaps exist for students with disabilities, English learners, and students from low-income families? Companion charts help you compare results across schools, grades, or test subjects.
Evaluate each of the Massachusetts community colleges and state universities on factors including: 
  • Enrollment trends 
  • Tuition as a percentage of household income 
  • Student retention rates  
  • Workforce alignment 
  • Overall financial health  

Equity Lens

Explore data by race, ethnicity, income, English learners, and students with disabilities to determine how schools are meeting the needs of diverse student populations. You might use the tools below to answer:
Illustration of bar graph with question marks in speech bubbles
Discover a variety of reports and dashboards that measure student participation, performance, perceptions, and placement from pre-K through college and career.
Track students’ progress through high school and beyond. Measure rates of enrollment in career and technical education and Early College programs, participation and performance in AP classes, graduation and drop-out rates, and post-high school plans. Select any district name to view charts by year, program, and student group, compared to the state average.
Data Story on Chronic Absenteeism (K-12)
Examine the scope of chronic absenteeism in Massachusetts, how it affects student success, and evidence-based strategies to improve student attendance. Look up trends in chronic absence by school and student groups.
Four elementary school students smile as they lean on a table looking at a laptop screen, with library bookshelves behind them.
VOCAL: Views Of Climate And Learning (K-12)
VOCAL is a student survey given to all students in grades 4, 5, 8, and 10 to measure their perceptions of school climate in three areas:
  • Engagement: Do students feel included, valued, and connected?
  • Safety: Do they feel safe from emotional and physical harm and bullying in school?
  • Environment: Do they feel supported in their learning, social emotional well-being, and mental health?
Responses are sorted by grade and student group to show trends by race/ethnicity, by age and gender, among English learners, those in low-income status, and students with disabilities. While school-level data is not available to the public, schools or districts have access to the anonymized school-level results along with toolkits for building safe and supportive schools.
Select a school to track by year how many graduates enrolled in two- and four-year colleges and how many are employed. View by industry or demographic category.
Find out how much graduates of each Massachusetts state college and university are making one and five years after earning their degree. Compare earnings by major.
Four graduates wearing caps and gowns stand in a line with their backs to the viewer, below a pale blue sky.